Friday, January 16, 2009

Morrissey - Camden Roundhouse

(Radio Broadcast - Incomplete Show)

22 January 2008 - Camden Roudhouse - London, UK

Mozzer was totally comfortable with himself throughout last night (could it be b/c Russell Brand was there?) and he and the performance overall were 'da bomb!!!.' (That's means more than awesome! :) I loved all the pleasant embellishments he crooned throughout the night. Even the sexy "ch-ch" he naturally uttered once. It feels like he's singing while laying next to you (only metaphorically speaking unfortunately ;). Boz and the Boyz all rocked out, too! I loved Boz's clarinet effect ending one of the songs blissfully on a high note (can't remember which song, sorry). During another song he came around stage left with his funny far-away look and went back stage right swinging his acoustic guitar. I'm glad he didn't smash it, because lots of us can't afford a nice one like that (or to even have one in general), but he sure looked like he was about to! Happy to see smiles from Jesse and Moz after I held up the shirt I brought for Jesse, and Solomon also came out stage left with the stand up bass to rock out during The Loop. (I love you guys!!! You so ROCK!!!) It was so awesome to hear "First of the Gang" again, too. The crowd loved it. And all were dancing/rocking out to "Irish Blood, English Heart." Missing Mikey at the trumpet part for "One Day Goodbye..." that was replaced by the synth. Chris improved Billy Budd cymbals with a zing! at just the right point in the song. However, for "I Just Want to See the Boy Happy" I didn't think the trombone improvisation worked at all. It seemed off key and distracting. It would've worked better with a simple riff with a good rhythm, just one or two notes, instead of a smattering of random notes below the register of the song. But at least it was on the low range so it didn't overtake the song there. Some random banter I can remember, "He's from Dublin!" in answer to someone in the crowd, giving the mic to Mel (she shares in her post), Moz turning a quick moment to say something to Boz and Moz turning back to the crowd asking "Did you hear that?" When no one answered, I yelled, "No! Please repeat!" but of course not. He said he was given a gift from someone from Korea the previous night and it had a note asking if he would go to Korea and his answer was "No" (does that go for North and South? oh well, sorry for that fan, s/he'll just have to travel). Commented on the US election about Hillary wanting to be "Billary Clinton." I wonder if he's fearing she'll be another Thatcher. He ended the comment (as stated previously) with "God Bless Barak Obama!!" I wonder if he has dual citizenship and can vote. He obviously cares, but very importantly, he's emphasizing to US Moz fans that we should care and we should vote (for Obama!). So many people think they don't count and waste the opportunity, but I think if Obama is going to have a chance, people are going to have to get out the vote and push it this time so it's an obvious choice and can't be swung by a intentionally positioned hair. I really think Obama needs someone like Richardson, Biden or "Billary" flanking him as VP, though b/c he doesn't have enough experience to deal with the international mess Bush has put us in. ok, sorry, that's enough political ranting from me! I will wear my taller shoes tonight to see better, despite the pain!

01. Last Of The Famous International Playboys
02. How Soon Is Now?
03. I Just Want To See The Boy Happy
04. That's How People Grow Up
05. Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before
06. Something Is Squeezing My Skull
07. Why Don't You Find Out For Yourself
08. Tomorrow
09. All You Need Is Me
10. Billy Budd
11. Death Of A Disco Dancer
12. Irish Blood, English Heart
13. First Of The Gang To Die

(Extract Link From Text)

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