Friday, January 16, 2009

Morrissey - Hyde Park

(Radio Broadcast + Audience Recording)

04 July 2008 - O2 Wireless Festival - London, UK

Thanks, Viva Hate OBGYN and whomever originally posted Moz's chattery from last night. Hello's and Thank You's to Paul C (Carpenter's Arms pre-show a smashing success! Great to meet other new friends, too, m-solo lurkers and all! Sorry my friend & I didn't make it to Quarry), RC and D. Awesome to see Bee and Arturo again as well. And of course, Moz and the Boyz, without whom I would be Lost. Before I give my 2 pence on the show, just want to also give a great recommendation for people to check out the "London of Oscar Wilde" tour by London Walks ( -take out any spaces if they appear).
So thoughts about the show...I was honestly surprised to see all the flesh-cooking booths all around since alternative arrangements are usually made within venues for his shows. I'm glad Moz still went on without delay. Suppose with all the other bands he'd invited, there's really no pulling out. His references to the smell (and consumption) of death were very heartfelt and serious. There was no denying the unfortunate dead elephant in the room (or Hyde Park, as it were). Though I'm not veggie anymore, I was touched that he drove the point home. It wouldn't be Moz if he didn't (a carvery booth was literally the first food booth over after the stage on one side! Yikes!). So yes, I will give it further consideration, Mozzer. It was definitely interesting to be a Yank in England on the 4th of July. I don't mind missing the empty Bushisms and McCainisms being thrown out all over the tele in the US that day. All the English booing at M's mention of 4th of July gave me a chuckle. (Please pray that we get swing votes and new. Dem's to mark their ballots for Obama! And no Republican ballot shenanigans, as well! Let's have a clear win!). It was a crazy festival itinerary. So many great bands overlapping ea. other. Caught a little bit of Seawolf, Courteeners, Siouxsie (powerful opening, striking handbells with "Israel"), Noise Is the Best Revenge (the nephew's got a lil' Moz in him. A bit shy, so if he works on singing more directly to people in the audience and maybe wears jeans instead of slacks, maybe it'll get to that next level) and The National. Made a point to catch all of Kristeen Young's set, b/c my frustrated angsty self just loves her music now. She & Baby Jeff did great. A very interesting costume as well. And towards the end of her set, we heard M's voice belt out "Playboys" (Who's that?" she quipped). So after her last song, a mad dash and weave-through to get a prime spot to see Moz. Despite being perhaps a half-mile away, Moz still delivered the intimacy of singing and bantering with each and every person in the audience. Wonderful. To add to what others have already reported, I thought I heard several mentions of Sidcup. Can't remember what was initially said but he repeated it under his breath a few times, too. Songs:It was wonderful to hear the new stuff (including Mama Lay Softly and AYNIM). Very pleasant surprises were Paris, the Buzzcocks song, Vicar and What She Said. He was in good form all around (and in great shape, definitely looks like he's worked out since January, yum!). Most of the band stuck to their instruments (stage too high up and far away?) yet Boz, ever the entertainer, still hammed it up for us. Chris made some eye contact as well (how's about sticking to key signature of chord I or V for the interlude in I Just Want to See the Boy? Just a friendly suggestion). The funnest part of the evening was at the end when Moz animatedly dragged his light blue long sleeve shirt, half-naked (attached barely by one cuff), across a long distance of floor (stopped then kept trudging, stopped then kept trudging) past stage right before ceremoniously tossing it in star football fashion. Such a delight! Thank you, Moz, for the great day in Hyde Park and bringing me to London once again (and I did throw my arms around Paris & Doncaster as well). More sights to see before finally returning to the doldrums of home and eagerly awaiting "Years of Refusal".


01. Intro : The Operation
02. Last of the famous international playboys
03. Ask
04. First Of The Gang To Die
05. I I Just Want To See The Boy Happy
06. That's How People Grow Up
07. Irish Blood, English Heart
08. Sister, I'm A Poet
09. Vicar In A Tutu
10. All You Need Is Me
11. The Loop
12. The World Is Full Of Crashing Bores
13. Why Don't You Find Out For Yourself
14. Mama Lay Softly On The Riverbed
15. Billy Budd
16. Death Of A Disco Dancer
17. You Say You Don't Love Me (Buzzcocks Cover)
18. I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris
19. Stretch Out aAnd Wait
20. Life's A Pigsty
21. How Soon Is Now?
22. What She Said

Credit HERE

(Extract Links From Text)

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