Friday, January 16, 2009

Morrissey - Sweet December

11 December 1997 - Northgate Arena - Chester, UK

The final show of the Maladjusted tour went down well, but Morrissey looked tired and slightly absent-minded. He distractedly made a few lyrical mistake and growled or made other noises in disappointment or frustration. The band didn't seem satisfied with the sound. The venue was a gymnasium and wasn't really appropriate for this type of concert. There was a high barrier about three meters from the stage so only a few lucky fans managed to reach their idol. It was still possible to touch Morrissey's hands, so there was a lot of action against the barrier. All in all, despite those conditions, fans were in great spirits and very receptive. They broke into chants of Morrissey's name more than once. There were only minor changes in the setlist order, and "Ambitious Outsiders" was replaced with "The Teachers Are Afraid Of The Pupils". As he entered stage, Morrissey greeted the audience "Goodbye Chester!" before going into opening number "Do Your Best And Don't Worry". In the song, he changed a line to "against the worst of what you are what the hell, you won't win". After "The Boy Racer" came the second part of his greeting "I'd like to say hello to the... can you hear me? I'd like to say hello to the bruisers from Merseyside... I don't know why...". Then after the next song he added "So nice to be of Altrincham" (Altrincham is where Morrissey lived when in England). "Paint A Vulgar Picture" was introduced with "We'd now like to do a song from the album 'Strangeways, Here's My Bum'." However there was a delay because either Alain or Boz started to pick the first notes to "Spring-Heeled Jim". Someone probably needed to change guitars or tune their guitar and Morrissey waited patiently for everyone to be ready, and meanwhile reassured the waiting audience with the words "it's a minor technicality". After "The Teachers Are Afraid Of The Pupils", he cryptically said "Thank you fortune". Morrissey seemed distracted during "Alma Matters" and made a few mistakes. After the song he enquired "Are you bored?" to which the crowd obviously answered in the negative, so he enquired further "Why not?". In "Now My Heart Is Full" Morrissey sang "Every jammy Stretford poet". "Satan Rejected My Soul" was introduced with "We're about to release a Christmas single". After the song, before going into the pre-encore break, Morrissey simply shouted "Merry Christmas!". After "Shoplifters Of The World Unite" he just said "I love you..." before exiting the stage for the last time of 1997.

01- Do Your Best And Don't Worry
02- The Boy Racer
03- Reader Meet Author
04- Billy Budd
05- Paint A Vulgar Picture
06- Spring-Heeled Jim
07- The Teachers Are Afraid Of The Pupils
08- Now My heart Is Full
09- Speedway
10- Roy's Keen
11- Alma Matters
12- Trouble Loves Me
13- Satan Rejected My Soul
14- Shoplifters Of The World Unite

Credit HERE And HERE


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