Monday, January 19, 2009

Morrissey - Hollywood Nights

16 December 1999 - Hollywood Palladium - Los Angeles, CA

The second Los Angeles date was just as wild as the first one. Again many fans tried to make it on stage, but most failed. Morrissey fed off this energy and sent words of encouragement to the brave ones trying to reach him. He also engaged with fans in chants of "Esteban! Esteban!" and "Mexico! Mexico!". There was no change in the setlist. Morrissey came on stage dressed in a black PVC suit, grabbed the microphone and shouted "Alright!" in true rock star fashion. He greeted the audience "My name is Oscar de la Mozza... welcome to Moz Angeles!" After the opening pair of "You're Gonna Need Someone On Your Side" and "The Boy Racer" he commented on his outfit: "In case anyone here is from PETA, wondering about my suit... it's 100% PVC... the only animal in this suit... will be me... wandering the streets of L.A. at night, howling at the moon... desperate for love..." The suit was kept on for about five songs, then the singer changed into the usual West Ham Boys Club t-shirt with jacket. In live performances of "Is It Really So Strange" Morrissey usually changed a line to "I lost my wig in Newport Pagnell" but on this date it was changed to "I lost my ring in Newport Pagnell". Before "November Spawned A Monster", the man stated "I have a very good friend in Crystal Lake who really likes this song, so this next song is for that person... and for you also..." After that number he added "It's very sticky now...anything can happen... let's pray to God it does." Before "Half A Person" he asked "Are you ok? Is the world ok?". The latter song was dedicated to "...the people standing in the back". After that number, while helping a fan onstage, Morrissey said "You see, I get to save everybody... except myself..." At some point Morrissey said "Thank you for being so boysterous and girlsterous... it warms my heart." After "Break Up The Family" he teased "So the rule is... whoever gets the shirt gets me, until everyone has me... it's a bad deal!". After "Lost" he told someone "I saw you look at your watch... that's not fair." In live performances of "Now My Heart Is Full" Morrissey usually sang "...every jammy Stretford poet", but on this date he changed this to "...every jammy L.A. poet". After the song he commented on someone's sign: "What do you mean, 'We can have both'? What does it mean?... you see, I'm from England and I'm very stupid." After "Meat Is Murder", Morrissey added "So the moral of the story is: if anyone tries to tempt you to go to Burger King just say no!". He came back to the stage for the encore dressed in his sailor suit and announced before going into "Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me": "Thank you for giving me tonight... I will never forget you... and I'd like to say, next time you kick a sailor, watch out because... that sailor could be me..."

01 You're Gonna Need Someone On Your Side
02 The Boy Racer
03 Alma Matters
04 Reader Meet Author
05 Is It Really So Strange?
06 Hairdresser On Fire
07 November Spawned A Monster
08 A Swallow On My Neck
09 Half A Person
10 Speedway
11 Break Up The Family
12 Lost
13 The Teachers Are Afraid Of The Pupils
14 Now My Heart Is Full
15 Meat Is Murder
16 Tomorrow
17 Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me



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